The composition of a combined dreamcatcher depends on the request. There are various possibilities:
In this dreamcatcher two rings are crosswise connected. The numerological values of both are processed in this 3D dreamcatcher. The choice of design and minerals will potentially support and stimulate each other in the relationship.
If a citrine is requested from one person and the other person can provide a tiger eye for support, I will most likely make this choice. These mineral stones reinforce each other in pleasure, happiness and abundance. Both mineral stones have their specific effect on the plexus solaris and the (first) three basic chakras.
With this dreamcatcher, father and mother are represented by a relationship dream catcher. The children are connected, with their own uniqueness, represented by a few smaller dreamcatchers. These are attached at the bottom of the large double dreamcatcher. Again, the choice is tuned to the positive interaction by means of the mineral stones and the attachment of the strings.